"I've been having these weird thoughts lately...like, is any of this for real... or not?"
- - Sora in the beginning of Kingdom Hearts.
Sora is the hero and main protagonist of the Kingdom Hearts series, and a wielder of the Keyblade. Sora is voiced by Haley Joel Osment in the English versions and Miyu Irino in the Japanese versions. He is an upbeat teenager who may seem simple minded at times, but realizes the importance of his quest. He possesses a strong sense of justice and an unrelenting heart. At times, he is impulsive and quick to anger, but he is always sincere about what he says and does.
Sora is fourteen years old at the beginning of Kingdom Hearts and lives on Destiny Islands with his best friends Riku and Kairi, and others including Selphie, Tidus, and Wakka. Sora, Riku, and Kairi wish to escape from the Destiny Islands, and find out what lies beyond. On the night before they leave a huge storm comes. The storm turns out to be the Heartless destroying the heart of the world.
His name is derived from the Japanese word for sky.
Japanese Name | ソラ |
Home World | Destiny Islands |
Role | Keyblade Wielder |
First Appearance | Kingdom Hearts |
Voice | Haley Joel Osment (English) Miyu Irino (Japanese) |

Don't ever forget. Wherever you go, I'm always with you."
Kairi is one of three original characters appearing in Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts II. Kairi lives on Destiny Islands along with her two best friends, Sora and Riku. She is 14 at the start of Kingdom Hearts, and 15 during Kingdom Hearts II (as about a year has passed since the events of the first game.) Kai in japanese manes sea while kairi means sapereation. In kingdom Hearts there was a seen of kairi and her garand-mother. This means that kairi was really a princess but lost her wealth when bieng sent to Detiny Island.
Japanese Name | カイリ (Kairi) |
Home World | Radiant Garden (Home world) Destiny Islands (Residence) |
Role | Princess of Heart, Ally |
First Appearance | Kingdom Hearts |
Voice | Hayden Panettiere (English) Alyson Stoner (English) Risa Uchida (Japanese |

Early Life
Nine years before the start of the game, she appeared out of nowhere after a meteor shower. It is only seen 5 year old Kairi at the shore at daylight, half of her body still touching the water, as the 5 year old Sora approaches her carefully and asks her "Who are you? Where did you come from?".
Leaving Destiny Islands
Kairi later became very close friends with Sora and Riku, who, in their teenage years, often playfully competed for her attention; she often supported competitions, although she didn't know it was for her. She bears no memory of her life before the Islands, and Kairi's mysterious past sparks curiosity in Sora and Riku, who are anxious to leave Destiny Islands and see other worlds. This leads the trio to build a raft in the hopes of traveling to other worlds. However, before they can leave, their Islands are attacked by the Heartless, and Sora finds Kairi in their Secret Cave. She turns towards him, looking sad and a little ill, then a huge gust of wind sweeps through the cave and Kairi is pushed to Sora as he opens his arms to catch her but as soon they got in touch, she vanished. She then becomes the game's driving force, as much of the game's story centers around Sora's and Riku's attempts at finding Kairi, though Riku is hostile to Sora (having been manipulated by Maleficent into believing that Sora no longer cared for either Kairi or himself).

- "But this may be our only chance. We can't let fear stop us. I'm not afraid of the darkness!"
- —Riku
Riku is the best friend and rival of Sora, the main character of Kingdom Hearts. His name is derived from the Japanese word for 'land'. He is an Islander. A self-confident youth always competing with Sora. He hated the monotony of island life and built a raft with Sora and Kairi to explore the outside world. Riku seems to have vanished along with the Destiny Islands.
Riku's story begins a number of years before the night of the heartless invasion on Destiny Islands. On an earlier night, there is a meteor shower and a mysterious girl appears on the islands. Apparently, Kairi is from another, far off world, and is now stuck on the Destiny Islands, with no way to return to her home. The two and Sora, another resident of the Isles, quickly forge a powerful friendship. Soon after Kairi's arrival, Riku and Sora go to the secret place, a small cave that they frequently explored. Sora finds it fascinating, but soon decides to take his leave. Before leaving, Riku catches sight of an enigmatic door. From this day on Riku became obsessed with finding out what lies beyond the door, wondering if it could perhaps be a passageway to another world, such as Kairi's.
Roxas' battle with Riku, as seen in Another Side, Another Story, involves him running up the side of Memory Skyscraper and passing by Riku as he leaps off. A similar scene happens when Sora and Xemnas later battle in the same area.
Japanese Name | リク (Riku) |
Home World | Destiny Islands |
Role | Keyblade Wielder, Ally |
First Appearance | Kingdom Hearts |
Voice | David Gallagher (English) Mamoru Miyano (Japanese |
He was like this...

To this....

To that....

then that.................

King Mickey, simply referred to as 王様, His Highness or Your Highness or more commonly as "Your Majesty" is the king of Disney Castle and a recurring character in the Kingdom Hearts series. He travels the worlds battling the forces of darkness, and is the chosen Keyblade wielder for the Realm of Darkness, though he follows the path of light.
Though he is known as the King of Disney Castle, his true name is Mickey Mouse.
King Mickey is an incredibly powerful character in the KH Universe. He has appeared in all currently released Kingdom Hearts games and will be in all announced games. First studying under Yen Sid, Mickey is possibly the inventor of Gummi Ships, the first to realize the threat of darkness spreading between worlds, and one the characters most strongly affiliated with light, including Sora. This is not always readily apparent, as his character remains very simple spoken, colloquial, and light-hearted. But contrary to this appearance, King Mickey has played a major role in all Kingdom Hearts games.
Japanese Name | ミッキーマウス (Mikkī Mausu) |
Home World | Disney Castle |
Role | Keyblade Wielder, Ally |
First Appearance | Plane Crazy |
Voice | Wayne Allwine (English) Yakashi Aoyagi (Japanese) |

Donald Duck is a character from the Kingdom Hearts series. Donald Duck, in Disney canon, is a sailor with a dangerously short temper. His debut is in The Wise Little Hen. In Kingdom Hearts, Donald is the Royal Magician of Disney Castle, presided over by King Mickey. He isn't very smart overall, and often provides comic relief more then advancing the plot despite the amount of time he appears in the series. Despite his rash and aggressive personality, he is loyal to his friends.
Though he initially only cares about Sora as a means to track down King Mickey, Donald soon grows to deeply care for him as a friend.
Japanese Name | ドナルドダック (Donarudo Dakku) |
Home World | Disney Castle |
Role | Ally, Party Member |
First Appearance | The Wise Little Hen |
Voice | Tony Anselmo (English) Kôichi Yamadera (Japanese) |

Goofy Goof appears alongside Donald and Sora in all three of the Kingdom Hearts games. Goofy is Captain of the King Mickey's army. He and Disney Castle's court magician Donald went out to search for the King, and ends up teaming with Sora for the rest of their journey.
Despite his position at Disney Castle, Goofy dislikes using weapons (instead using a simple shield in combat) and attempts to avoid fighting whenever possible, preferring to find peaceful solutions to problems. Though simple-minded and clumsy as always, and constantly the butt of comic relief, Goofy is the constant voice of optimism and, surprisingly, selectively perceptive, often noticing things others miss and keeping his cool when Sora and Donald lose it. He comes off as the sage of the group, despite how he is portrayed in the Disney cartoons.
As mentioned above, Goofy, while clumsy, simple-minded, and the but of comic relief, has remarkable intuition, noticing things that others don't (such as easily seeing through Mulan's attempt at passing for a man) and staying calm when Sora and Donald don't. However, despite his intuitive skills, he still seems to overlook crucial details at times; for example, while he, Donald, and Kairi are fleeing from Xehanort's Heartless after Sora's sacrifice, he shouts, "What about the Keyhole?", apparently forgetting that they can't do anything about Hollow Bastion's Keyhole without Sora.
He is also kind-hearted and puts his friends above all else. When Riku is about to kill Sora, Goofy is the first to turn on him in favor of Sora.
Japanese Name | グーフィー (Gūfī) |
Home World | Disney Castle |
Role | Ally, Party Member |
First Appearance | Mickey's Revue |
Voice | Bill Farmer (English) Yutaka Shimaka (Japanese) |

That's me! The cricket who keeps Pinocchio to the straight and narrow. I'm along on the quest as the royal chronicler.
Look for me in "Pinocchio" (1940). In the Kingdom Hearts series, he chronicles the adventures of Sora, Donald, and Goofy in his journal. Although he is first met in Disney Castle (when Minnie tells him to accompany Donald and Goofy in their search for King Mickey), he is originally from the unnamed Pinocchio world (the only portion of it being present is the Monstro world).
Japanese Name | ジミニー・クリケット (Jiminī Kuriketto) |
Home World | Unknown |
Role | Royal Chronicler, Ally |
First Appearance | Pinocchio |
Voice | Eddie Carroll (English) Kaneta Kimotsuki (Japanese) |