Hollow Bastion is a world from Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II. Not based on a Disney film, though showing Disney influence, Hollow Bastion is a colossal castle that towers above the rest of its world, the Radiant Garden. At one point, it was the only remaining part of the world, along with the waterways beneath it. Because of this, the world itself was known as "Hollow Bastion" in Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, and most of Kingdom Hearts II. However, it regains its original name by the end of Kingdom Hearts II.
Unlike the rest of the Radiant Garden, which poses as Final Fantasy's world, Hollow Bastion has no relation to Final Fantasy whatsoever.
Sora and the rest of the party enter Hollow Bastion at the Rising Falls, appropriately named as there are waterfalls that run up instead of down. Jumping on mystical floating rocks and ledges takes the party to the first of many magical platforms that are scattered throughout the castle. The platform takes Sora to the Castle Gates, the main entrance of Hollow Bastion which is made up of a set of balconies and lifts running outside the castle. From here, the party can travel down into the underground water system or enter the castle itself.
Going down the nearby platform or leaping off the edge of the balcony takes the party to Base Level, an area full of ledges, switches, and enemies. Succesfully climbing to the balcony near the entrance earns extra treasures, while taking a nearby bubble carries them to the Waterway, where a series of gates, switches, and bubbles must be navigated to operate the castle gate controls. Off of the Waterway is a small room, the Dungeon.
Going in the doors at the other end of the Castle Gates area takes the party to the massive two-level Entrance Hall, where a large puzzle must be solved to continue up the castle by allowing access to the second half of the Castle Gates area. Going left takes the party to the Library, also the site of a large puzzle involving organizing misplaced books; Belle, Yuffie, Leon and Aerith can later be found here after the Hollow Bastion Keyhole is locked. Also accessible from the Library is the first of many entrances to the Lift Stop, a series of magic lifts separated by mystical barriers.
Continuing up the castle by taking the lift on the other side of the Castle Gates area is the Great Crest, where the largest of the magic lifts is located. After a long and slow journey across the front of the bastion, the party is dropped on the other side, where they can take the Lift Stop to the next area, the High Tower, where the crest can be moved to create a way up to the upper levels of the castle. Through the Lift Stop at the opposite end of the High Tower is the entrance to the castle Chapel, where the confrontations with Maleficent take place. Once passed, the area holding Hollow Bastion's Keyhole and the Princesses of Heart, the Grand Hall is open to confront Riku in. Beyond the Grand Hall, in a Heartless symbol-shaped portal, lie the Dark Depths where Sora and company fight Behemoth, and the Keyhole here is sealed.
In the End of the World's World Terminus, Sora is transported to an unseen section of what is supposedly Hollow Bastion. All that is there is a hallway that appears similar to the corridors near Ansem's study in Kingdom Hearts II, and a chamber with a strange apparatus. It has a large computer and several human-sized pods attached. This may be where Xehanort and his cohorts tore their hearts from their bodies and became Heartless.
Promotional images and movies for Kingdom Hearts II depict Sora, Donald and Goofy in battle in the High Tower area of the castle as it appeared in this game, as well as five Organization members at an unspecified location outside the castle; however, these areas are inaccessible in the second game.
[edit] Kingdom Hearts II
Because of the damage to Hollow Bastion in the first game, much of the focus in Hollow Bastion the second time around is on the village that surrounds the bottom of the castle. Sora, Donald, and Goofy arrive in the Marketplace, which houses the world's Moogle shop, as well as Uncle Scrooge and the accessory shop of his venturing nephews Huey, Dewey, and Louie. Final Fantasy will also note two familiar faces who run the world's armor shop and item shop. Past the Marketplace is the Borough, which sits next to one of the massive walls of the village defenses. From there, the party can drop in on their friends at Merlin's House or continue to the Bailey, which eventually suffers a bit of damage at the hands of the Heartless.
The good news is the damage to the Bailey allows access to the remains of the Castle by opening up an entrance to the Restoration Site. Fighting their way through this area in turn takes them to the Postern, site of a save point and the entrance to the bastion itself. Going inside, the party must navigate the twisting Corridors before reaching the end at Ansem's Study, where many of the mysteries surrounding Ansem can be solved, but many more created. Going through the hidden entrance finally takes the party to the computer that serves as the entrance to Space Paranoids. On the other side of the computer room is the small, but often missed Heartless Manufactory.
After the Bailey is damaged, one final area opens up, where the battle against the Heartless culminates. Leaving the Restoration Site by going through the hole in the fort wall leads to the Ravine Trail for a series of battles against the masses of Heartless with help from a few surprising friends. From the trail, the party can enter the Crystal Fissure, use the save point, and travel on to The Great Maw, a massive canyon, and from there, The Dark Depths, a cliff where several important confrontations take place

Hollow Bastion Characters ( Traverse Town ) :
"I see you all are still in top form!"
—Yuffie in Kingdom Hearts II
Yuffie is a character from Final Fantasy VII who makes an appearance in all Kingdom Hearts games. She travels with Leon, whom she refers to by his real name, Squall - this usually causes annoyance on Squall's part. She sometimes refers to herself as the "Great Ninja Yuffie", wielding a large wind-blade shuriken as her weapon.
Yuffie is hyperactive, but tires out easily due to her high energy and quick movement. She is hard-working and determined, set on repairing her home of Radiant Garden and aiding Sora in his campaign against the Heartless and other foes. She is teased frequently about her weight by the Gullwings despite not being overweight, usually being called "huge". During the ending sequence, she tries to hand an ice cream cone to Cid but is interrupted by the Gullwings. She is usually friendly, cheerful and mischevious. It's strongly implied throughout the games that she may have a bit of a crush on Leon as she is shown frequently flirting with him and in Kingdom Hearts II affectionately pecked him on the cheek before they left to fight the Heartless invasion. During this scene she is also shown blushing, likely a reference to her infamous date scene with Cloud, in Final Fantasy VII.
Yuffie's role was originally filled by Rikku, but due to the fact that there was already a major character named Riku in the series, they decided to replace her with Yuffie. Traces of Rikku's intended attire remain on Yuffie during Kingdom Hearts and Chain of Memories. By Kingdom Hearts II, Yuffie wore the clothing she had on in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Japanese Name | ユフィ (Yufi) |
Home World | Radiant Garden |
Role | Ally |
First Appearance | Final Fantasy VII |
Voice | Christy Carlson Romano (English) Mae Whitman (English) Yumi Kazaku (Japanese) |

Nickname: Leon Complete: Squall LeonHeart
"We may never meet again, but we'll never forget each other."
— Leon
Leon is a supporting character in the Kingdom Hearts series and leader of both the Heartless Resistance and the Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee. Originally he went by the name Squall Leonhart but due to his world being destroyed by the Heartless he changed his name in an attempt to amend for his mistakes.
Squall was the main character of Final Fantasy VIII and wields the notorious Gunblade.
Apereance and Personality:
Japanese Name | レオン (Reon) |
Home World | Radiant Garden |
Role | Ally |
First Appearance | Final Fantasy VIII |
Voice | David Boreanaz (English) Doug Erholtz (English) Hideo Ishikawa (Japanese) |
Leon's physical appearance consist of shoulder-length brown hair and blue eyes. A scar runs diagonally across the bridge of his nose. He wears a short leather jacket with small red wings on the back, as well as the red Griever symbol on the left sleeve. He also wears a silver pendant with the Griever symbol. In Kingdom Hearts II, his jacket has fur along the collar.
When Sora first meets Leon, his personality is that of a withdrawn and quiet loner. Eventually he opens up to become a more caring person, as seen as when he is worrying about Sora, Donald and Goofy's safety in the aftermath of the 1000 Heartless battle in Hollow Bastion. Although appearing as sullen and brooding in Kingdom Hearts, after returning home to Hollow Bastion in Kingdom Hearts II he seems to be more cheerful and is seen to be smiling more often. Leon has also good leadership qualities which he displays throughout in both games, mirroring the character development of the original Squall of Final Fantasy VIII, who himself began as a brooding and unconcerned loner but eventually became a caring friend and leader thanks to his friends.

Aerith is a character who lives in Traverse Town in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories and Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden in Kingdom Hearts II. Like most of Sora's allies, she originates from the Final Fantasy series. Aerith is voiced by Mandy Moore in Kingdom Hearts, Mena Suvari in Kingdom Hearts II, and Maaya Sakamoto in the Japanese versions of both games.
An ally of Leon and Yuffie, Aerith is one of the three core Final Fantasy characters of the series, and takes an active support role with them in the defense of Hollow Bastion in Kingdom Hearts II. She also plays a part in Cloud's story, though does not directly assist him as she does her other allies. She is a calm type character. She is also a good healer in Kingdom Heart II.
Japanese Name | エアリス (Earisu) |
Home World | Radiant Garden |
Role | Ally |
First Appearance | Final Fantasy VII |
Voice | Mandy Moore (Kingdom Hearts) Mena Suvari (Kingdom Hearts II) |

- "I’m looking for someone. Hades promised to help. I tried to exploit the power of darkness, but it backfired. I fell into darkness, and couldn’t find the light."
- —Cloud
Cloud first makes his appearance in the Olympus Coliseum, striking a deal with Hades: if Cloud eliminates Hercules in battle, Hades will lead him to the evil angel Sephiroth. However, Cloud also has to fight Sora, so that he may move on to Hercules in the preliminaries rankings. After their battle, Cloud is either defeated, or comes out victorious, but refrains from killing Sora. The outcome of the fight does not affect the storyline, and there is no reward for winning. However, as Cloud does not kill Sora, the results are not favorable for Hades; forcing him to summon Cerberus. The three-headed beast and guardian of the Underworld catches Cloud off-guard, pinning him to the ground.
Cloud is a character in the Kingdom Hearts series, originating from the Final Fantasy universe. He is the main character in Final Fantasy VII and a supporting character in the Kingdom Hearts series. He is voiced by Steve Burton and Takahiro Sakurai.

Cid is a character from Final Fantasy VII, who makes an appearance in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II. He is voiced by Chris Edgerly in the English version of Kingdom Hearts II (having never spoken outside of text boxes in the original) and Kazuhiro Yamaji in the Japanese version.
Owner of an accessory shop in Traverse Town. A highly skilled engineer and a first-rate pilot. When the Heartless invaded his world, he escaped to Traverse Town on a gummi ship he'd built himself. He is an expert on gummi ships.
"Final Fantasy VII
The name suggested by Riku for the raft in the beginning of Kingdom Hearts (the "Highwind") is Cid's last name in Final Fantasy VII and also the name of his Airship.
Japanese Name | シド (Shido) |
Home World | Radiant Garden |
Role | Ally |
First Appearance | Final Fantasy VII |
Voice | Chris Edgerly (English) Kazuhiro Yamaji (Japanese) |

Scrooge McDuck is the world's richest duck and cartoon character, originating from Duckburg. He is the uncle of Donald and the trio Huey, Dewey, and Louie. Uncle Scrooge McDuck wears a blue jacket, a top hat, pince-nez glasses and carries a walking stick. Scrooge can be grumpy at times, but initially is a friendly person. He loves his money and often swims in it. His only appearance outside of Disney's Christmas Carol was in comics and the TV show Ducktales. Because of this, and the fact that his appearance in Kingdom Hearts II is not the same as it was in A Chrismas Carol, it can be argued that he is the only character in the game representing the late 80s/early 90s Disney TV shows. Before the events of Kingdom Hearts, Scrooge McDuck traveled with King Mickey on a Gummi Ship, selling sea-salt ice cream to the worlds they visited. They had to part ways when the Heartless started to appear.
Japanese Name | スクルージ・マクダック (Sukurūji Makudakku) |
Home World | Disney Castle |
Role | Ally |
First Appearance | Scrooge McDuck and Money |
Voice | N/A |

One of Donald's three nephews. Huey is the leader, and he keeps playful Dewey and laid-back Louie in line. You can spot Huey by his trademark red cap.
Huey began tormenting his Unca Donald in "Donald's Nephews" (1938).

One of Donald's nephews. Always wears a blue cap. Cheerful and easygoing. He works with his brothers in a shop in Traverse Town.
Dewey began tormenting his Unca Donald in "Donald's Nephews" (1938).

One of Donald's three nephews. Works with his brothers in a shop in Traverse Town. Gentle and carefree, but notices a lot of things others miss. To find him, look for a green cap.
Louie began tormenting his Unca Donald in "Donald's Nephews" (1938).

The Gull-Wings:
Yuna,Rikku,Pain- " YRP "- Sphere hunters
The Gullwings are a group of treasure-hunting fairies made up of Yuna, Rikku, and Paine. They have a minor role in Kingdom Hearts II. The name is a reference to the sphere-hunting group that the three girls are a part of in Final Fantasy X-2.
In Jiminy's Journal, the name Gullwings is not mentioned but merely the description the girls gave themselves in the middle of Final Fantasy X-2's story, though the Journal still mentions the trio's original description of the Gullwings as "friendly neighborhood". Furthermore, despite Yuna and Rikku actually making their first appearances in Final Fantasy X alongside Tidus, Wakka, and Auron, they are listed as first appearing in X-2 so as not to break the unity of the trio. However, in the cast part of the end credits, their names are grouped with Auron as both Final Fantasy X and X-2 occur in the same continuity.
- Yuna
Final Fantasy X-2
One of a teenybopping trio or Friendly Neighborhood something-or-others.
They were looking for Leon, but...why?
- Rikku
Final Fantasy X-2
One of a teenybopping trio or Friendly Neighborhood something-or-others.
It looks like these three have been hired by someone for some kind of mission...but what?
- Paine
Final Fantasy X-2
One of a teenybopping trio or Friendly Neighborhood something-or-others.
They claim to come in peace...but, really, what ARE they?
Japanese Name | カモメ団 (Kamome-dan) |
Home World | Unknown |
Role | Neutral |
First Appearance | Final Fantasy X-2 |
Voice | Yuna: Hedy Burress Rikku: Tara Strong Paine: Gwendoline Yeo |
- Interestingly, Rikku was supposed to make a solo appearance in the original Kingdom Hearts as a member of Leon's group; however, since there was already another Riku, she was replaced with Yuffie. However, Yuffie's Kingdom Hearts outfit is the same as Rikku's planned Kingdom Hearts outfit.
- Many fans protested making the Gullwings "pixie-like" beings and wanted them to have the same height as Sora and the others. The reason for this is because Tetsuya Nomura wanted to have Final Fantasy characters appear in a non-human form that still appeared human, and the Kingdom Hearts series seemed to be the ideal scenario to do so. He chose their fairy forms as he believed that they would look interesting and because he believed that the screen would be too crowded if the camera focused on all three of them at once if they were in their normal forms

Sephiroth is the embodiment of Cloud's dark side. He is voiced by Lance Bass in Kingdom Hearts, Toshiyuki Morikawa in the Japanese version of Kingdom Hearts II, and by George Newbern in the English version. He is regarded as one of the most powerful of all villains in the Kingdom Hearts series (though he is only an option to duel in Kingdom Hearts and is concerned only with Cloud in Kingdom Hearts II), and Sora has to be at a relatively high level in order to survive Sephiroth's attacks.
He, along with Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie and Cid, comes originally from the Square game Final Fantasy VII. It has been implied by some fans of Kingdom Hearts that in Kingdom Hearts II, along with several words from the angel himself, Sephiroth might be some dark version of Cloud. This subplot so far hasn't been touched though it might be shown in future games.
Japanese Name | セフィロス (Sefirosu) |
Home World | Unknown |
Role | Enemy |
First Appearance | Final Fantasy VII |
Voice | Lance Bass George Newburn (English) Toshiyuki Morikawa(Japanese) |

A great sorcerer living on the outskirts of Traverse Town. Merlin's wisdom and magic powers rank second to none, and he teaches Sora and his friends about magic. He has a mysterious bag that can hold anything, no matter how large.
Merlin first tutored Arthur in how to be king in "The Sword in the Stone" (1963).
Japanese Name | マーリン (Mārin) |
Home World | Traverse Town, Hollow Bastion (Original World Unknown) |
Role | Ally |
First Appearance | The Sword In The Stone |
Voice | Jeff Bennett (English) Minoru Uchida (Japanese) |

"Have you seen a guy with spiky hair"
Final Fantasy VII
A young woman in search of a certain someone.
Unflinching, unrelenting, Tifa has looked far and wide.
Her journey won't be over until she finds the person she seeks.
Japanese Name | ティファ |
Home World | Unknown |
Role | Ally |
First Appearance | Final Fantasy VII |
Voice | Rachael Leigh Cook (English) Ayumi Ito (Japanese |

Xehanort was an apprentice of Ansem the Wise and is the main antagonist in the series. The exploits of his Heartless and his Nobody are the basis of conflict in the Kingdom Hearts series. His goals have always been to find Kingdom Hearts and use its unlimited power for his own ends. He is responsible for the creation of the Heartless, the Nobodies, Organization XIII, and the driving force behind the Disney villains' desires and plans. He has made an appearance in every game in the series so far in some shape or form and is expected to be in future titles.
He is the driving force of the entire series, through his Heartless "Ansem" in Kingdom Hearts, his Nobody Xemnas in Kingdom Hearts II and indirectly in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, and a possible relation to Master Xehanort in Birth by Sleep.
If you remove the "X" in Xehanort's name and reassemble it, you can get the phrases/words "no heart", "another" and "a throne". On a side note, when Xemnas visits the Room of Sleep, his password in the computer is "another", typed along with the original names of the other apprentices that became Organization XIII's first six members.
Japanese Name | ゼアノート (Zeanōto) |
Home World | TBA |
Role | Antagonist |
First Appearance | Kingdom Hearts II |
Voice | Richard Epcar (English) Akio Ohtsuka (Japanese |

Moogles (モーグリ ,Mōguri?) are small creatures are a race originally from the Final Fantasy Series.The Japanese name is a portmanteau of the Japanese words mogura (mole) and kōmori (bat). They have appeared in all Final Fantasy games since Final Fantasy III. They are known for their white fur, purple bat-like wings, red pom-poms on their heads, and end many of their sentences with "kupo".
I think there cute ~ ^_^ )
モーグリ (Mōguri) | |
Home World | Many |
Role | Ally |
First Appearance | Final Fantasy III |
Voice | N/A |